Welcome to McKinney Farm
I am convinced that seeing beauty brightens the soul and makes us the better for it. I am even more convinced that seeing the beauty of the natural world allows us to see the divine. Big East Fork, the place where McKinney Farm is located, is that beauty.
At McKinney Farm the greenhouse is as much an event space as it is a working greenhouse. We cultivate plants year round for visitors to enjoy as an experience, both culinary and visual.
So whether you are coming for a farm tour, farm-to-table dinner, intimate wedding, rehearsal dinner, family reunion, corporate event, musical event or otherwise, the wish is that you experience the natural world in a fresh, new and personal way.

Mission and Aspirations
A Relationship with the Natural World
A rich life is full of wonderful relationships. Our mission at McKinney Farm is to give visitors a glimpse of Mother Nature’s beauty, powers and magic and maybe afford an introduction of sorts between the guest and the natural world; and, of course, a very personal introduction to Mother Nature’s organic greens! The hope is that for some it will be the beginnings of a beautiful friendship; for others a renewal; for others a glorious continuation. Regardless, the hope is that the visitor feels a part of, not a visitor to, this beautiful place.

An Organic Beginning
McKinney Farm is one of several small farms making up Big East Fork Farms’ agritourism experience. Downing Farm cultivates a wide array of crops, Canaan Valley farm shepherds livestock, Dr. Zo’s Farm tends chickens, Dvash Bee tends bees and the Gateway Farm Store offers not only items from the farms but also arts and crafts.
The McKinney Farm story began in March 2020. The greenhouse had just undergone a facelift, donning a nice new covering. It had been used as a traditional greenhouse in prior years and a few volunteers from remaining crops were making their way up and out of the earth. Einstein, the pig, seemed to enjoy his visits as well. Set in the breathtaking valley of Big East Fork and just across from Winston, the cow, Rosie, the donkey, and Einstein and friends, it seemed a magnificent spot to bring visitors to experience not only the beauty of the surrounding natural world but also the beauty of cultivated organic vegetables and flowers within a greenhouse. The greenhouse also providing a protected and comfortable environment, allowing for year-round argitourism visits. Food would certainly be there, and what better offering to lure visitors, young and old alike??
So, the seed was planted: create a space where families could come and children could have the freedom to dig, see and touch beautiful organic vegetables and flowers (beauty seems to have a way of capturing the eye, whatever the age), and, most importantly, have the freedom to run to their heart’s content; where folks could come for farm-to-table dinners, literally reaching overhead for a tomato should they be so inclined; and seniors could come for a peaceful and relaxing visit, maybe enjoying a game of cards or a spot of tea. Over these past few years, a collection of wonderful people have come for all kinds of gatherings and events: magnificent farm dinners, corporate retreats, pot luck dinners, family reunions, and celebrations of all varieties. What a joy it has been, and we look forward to meeting so many more beautiful people in the years to come.
Massood Taj; A Beautiful Friend
a place to just Be